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About Us

We create software development teams

Keyboard and Mouse

Team culture

Building the right team culture has a significant impact on the project success. We skillfully and mindfully create an open minded work environment that results in great outcomes.


We, in Castor, believe that our developers should be as a twin brother to your team, helping you create products that shine for a distance. Creating relationships between our devs and our customers enables us to achieve a smooth integration.

Castor college

We established Castor college with the understanding that professional growth is a must in an ever changing technological environment. We empower our developers to expand and improve their knowledge by staying up to date with cutting edge technologies.

Our Mission

We Aim to create a unique experience

We get your pain.

Castor was born when we ourselves met that very same challenges while developing our own products:

  • Finding the right team member.

  • Training & Nurturing them to grow with you.

  • Keeping your budget on track.

  • Successfully maintaining teams that last.


We got you covered!

Our aim is to seamlessly match the right people for your project.

With us on your side, fully supported by our account management, all that's left for you is to focus on star gazing while conspiring to concur the world.

Online shop

The journey for a development team starts with Castor

Castor (ˈkɑːstə) n

1. (Astronomy) the second brightest star, Alpha Geminorum, in the constellation Gemini: a multiple star consisting ofsix components lying close to the star Pollux. Distance: 52 light years

Castor (ˈkɑːstə) n

2. (Classical Myth & Legend) classical myth See Castor and Pollux

In Greek mythology Castor is the twin brother of Pollux, known as the brightest stars that shine for a distance belonging to The constellation of Gemini.

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